
Web Services


WebChronometrist is the web-based version of Chronometrist, a tool to help you record how much time you spend on what activities.


aThumbs is a free service whereby anyone can add to their site buttons that say “2 thumbs up!”, “1 thumb up.”, or “No thumbs up.” for every post or page that they went. Simple modification to page templates, compatible with any blog software that allows you to modify your templates.

The aThumbs service is now available. Visit the aThumbsFAQ for more information.

Your Feed of My Blog

Your Feed of My Blog is your own personalized feed of my blog.
How it works is quite simple. After you log in (you may need to register to do so), you go to ( there should be a link to it after you log in ) and then, on the left, you check the categories that you want to be present in the custom feed for you, and on the right you check the categories that you don’t want to be present in the custom feed for you.
After you submit, your feed can be found at where you should replace yourName with whatever name you registered as.

Personal Services

These are services not available at this website. They consist of: